Sunday, December 6, 2009

Skylar is here!

I finally have had some time to post some updates on little Sky man! Today our little bundle is 2 weeks old! I cannot believe how fast the time is flying by! Two weeks ago on Sunday, November 22, 2009.. at 12:26pm, Skylar arrived in the world. 6LBS 8 OZ. 19 1/2 IN.. I delivered at Shelby Baptist Hospital.

Here's the story:

On that Saturday night we went to the hospital because it felt like my water was starting to break. When we arrived, they hooked me up to a bunch of monitors to check on little Sky man and they ran a bunch of tests to see if my water had actually broke. One test said yes, the other said no.. hmmm.. I was 3 1/2 cm dilated. The nurse called the Dr. and said since the tests were inconclusive they were going to send me home. so at 8:30 pm I went home..

around 12:30 am I started having contractions.. they were stronger than I had ever had them, but they weren't too uncomfortable so I just kept sleeping.. around 2:30 am they started getting intense and about 10 mins apart. by 3:30am they were 3-5 mins apart. at 5:30am I woke up Landon and let him know it was time to go to the hospital.. I was uncomfortable but I thought I was having false labor.

When we arrived at the hospital, the nurse once again hooked me up to machines to monitor our little man and to check on me. Little did I know at 6:30 am I would already be dilated 5 1/2 cm and admitted into the hospital... I'll skip the rest of the details but by 12:00pm I started the delivery process and 30 mins later Skylar was here!! I told Landon that I don't know how people do not believe in the Lord after giving birth! What an incredible miracle! God is so amazing!

Labor and delivery was definitely a wonderful experience.. not what I expected at all!








Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So many Exciting things have been going on the past few weeks. 1. On October 24th & 25th I had 2 baby showers. One of them was in Anniston, AL. It was thrown by my wonderful mother-in-law and her friends. The other one was hosted by Clearwater Community Church. (My church family).. They were so Beautiful and special... Skylar definitely is all set on baby items.. so he should now be ready to come into the world!

Here are all the beautiful pregnant women at our church.. (there are a lot more of them but they are not pictured). we are in order of Due date.
Lindsay Lawsen (baby boy spencer), Me (baby boy Skylar), Lindsey McCall (baby boy Jude), Kelly Saunders (baby girl Emerson), Sara Wyrosdick (baby girl).

The 3 Lindsey's/Lindsay's. All due right after eachother.

Today our dear friends Timmy and Lindsay Lawsen (who go to our church) now are parents to a 3rd son Spencer Lawsen, 9lbs, 22inches... We are so excited for their family. And we Love them so very much! We heard from our friends that the birth went great and Mommy and baby are doing wonderfully!

Here he is, Baby Spencer!! (this photo was taken by his daddy)

This morning as we were thinking and praying about the Lawsen family, Landon said to me.. "well, this means your next to go!".. which is true I only have 3 more weeks left and Baby Skylar will be here with us! How exciting.

Doctor's Appt:
Today was also a special day because I had my first of my weekly doctors visits. Today She measured my tummy and said that I am still on for this December 4th baby! His heartbeat sounded wonderful and now he will be growing about a 1/2 a lb every week until he is born. The doctor told me little Sky will probably be about a 7lb baby! woohoo! Praise the Lord for our son! We are so anxious to meet him.. but we know he still needs time to "bake"!

Interesting thought:
contractions and nausea have definitely set in the last week or two. It's crazy how all of a sudden I have felt so bad.. but a friend said to me today, "embrace this time, this suffering, It is making you more like Jesus." .. what a wonderful thought and a total change in thinking. To desire suffering? Do we do that, do we desire to suffer to be more like Jesus?? My prayer and cry for the rest of this pregnancy is: Lord if suffering brings me closer to you and more like you, then Let me suffer! This is such an odd thought to the world, but as believers we should constantly desire this!

Landon and I love you all and cannot wait to show you Skylar! I will post pictures soon of life down here in Alabama!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Growing baby and Dual Shower

Tuesday was my check up at the doctors office. It was so refreshing to hear our son's heartbeat again. I am always amazed at this little person/miracle inside me that is alive and growing! Everything is going great and we are counting down the weeks now til little Sky is born!

Last week was also our first baby shower. It was Saturday, October 10th! Our friends Taylor and LIndsey are also having a baby boy, his name is Jude. Jude's due date is 2 weeks after Skylar's. Our friends decided to throw us a dual baby shower! It was amazing! From the friends right down to the decorations, it was truly a special first baby shower!! Here are some pictures from the amazing day!

Next week my mom will be flying in for 2 more baby shower's we'll be having here in Alabama. I can't wait for my mama to see my HUGE growing belly! And I can't wait to spend time with her.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Doctors Office

Today Landon and I went to the doctor to check-up on baby Skylar. I got weighed, my belly was measured, and the doc listened to his heartbeat.. she said everything looked great and told me that I am right on track for a December 4th baby!

When we listened to Skylar's heartbeat today and it's crazy what 1 month will do! His heartbeat is so strong and Loud now.. I guess that means he is growing and getting bigger! Good things! The doctor also showed us where his head, bottom and feet are in my belly. Skylar is higher in my stomach and he is laying diagonal. Oh my precious baby and his little personality already! The doctor also noticed that he was very active. She asked me if he is always like that? I replied, "yes".. hmmm are we going to have a bouncing baby boy?? I guess we will see!!

As I go into my 31st week I will now be going for check-up's every 2 weeks ... and starting November I will see the doctor every week!! Time is flying by as we prepare for our precious son Skylar. I am so thankful for these moments I experience with him in my belly! It's so special and I am reminded of how amazing our God is to place something so precious in my care! I cannot wait to meet him and see what he looks like!

For now I will keep loving these moments only me and Skylar share because in 9 weeks, they'll be gone!

Thank you Lord for precious babies... Thank you Lord for baby Skylar.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Birthday's and Belly's

Last night we threw Landon and our friend Taylor a surprise birthday party. Taylor's Birthday was yesterday and Landon's is tomorrow so we got a few friends together and had a great time! Here are some photos from the event!

Big Baby Belly at 30 WEEKS! Look at it grow!:

<------Baby skylar is in there!

Love you all and we hope you are having a wonderful week!

Psalm 119....

I long for your salvation, O LORD,
and your law is my delight.

Let me live that I may praise you,
and may your laws sustain me.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Almost There

I haven't been a very good "blogger". I apologize for not writing in a while. I guess, there has been a lot going on in the last three months! 1. We found out our precious baby is going to be a BOY! woohoo! 2. We moved to a new house. In other BIG new. Landon's Brother Justin was married on July 18, 2009! What an awesome celebration that was. He married a wonderful girl named Melanie! She is a research doctor/professor at a University down here! She is a wonderful Sister-in-law. Here are some pics from the wedding:

Ann's Family
Jim and Lindsey
Landon and Uncle Floyd
The Ladies (Ann, Madonna, Rachelle)
Mother/Son Dance

Baby News:
This week I am 30 Weeks pregnant! woohoo! 10 More weeks to go! Baby Skylar is about 15.7 inches long now, and weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). His eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after he's born, he'll keep his eyes closed for a good part of the day. When Skylar does open them, he'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means he can only make out objects a few inches from his face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)
here are pics of my growing belly:
16 Weeks
19 Weeks
24 Weeks
Other News:
Landon is coming up on a big birthday this week. Thursday he will be turning the big 2-9! We love you all! And I promise to be more active in writing BLOGS!! We love you and miss you!!
"O LORD, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it."
Psalm 139..

Friday, June 12, 2009

Our Baby

Here's the 2nd view of our little baby!
I know it looks like a little skeleton! But isn't it amazing!!

Monday, March 30, 2009



I know it's been a while since I've updated this blog, so I want to let you all in on some exciting news we found out today.. Landon and I will be having Baby Robertson.

The Story:
I woke up this morning not feeling the greatest and I took a pregnancy test. I was at work and really anxious and the test came back POSITIVE! I called Landon and we headed to the doctor's office. They did an "official test" and when the nurse came in the room she had a slip of paper and little baby booties. Our baby's first official pair of shoes!!

Landon and I couldn't be more thrilled! The baby's due date is sometime at the end of November early December!! My first ultrasound will be on April 24th.

What to do now?...
As we embark on being parents, please be in prayer for our little baby growing in my belly! Please pray that we will raise this child to be a follower of christ who strives to be more like him! We LOVE you ALL and cannot wait to start this new journey of our lives!

LOVE, Landon, Lindsey, and baby! :)

Friday, February 27, 2009
